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Adapting historic buildings to suit  contemporary uses requires special design attention and integrated detailing.


Historic Preservation and adaptive reuse have been mainstays of the Allen+Pepa portfolio from our beginning. It is a passion of ours to take existing decayed or underutilized buildings and find a way to restore them to modern standards while keeping the best of their architectural structure.


Allen+Pepa Architects works with historic information and photos to determine a design direction that is sensitive to the building’s history and surroundings. We have extensive experience with historic projects, especially throughout the core urban areas along the Fox River.




Historic Surveys are an extremely valuable tool for municipalities and historic organizations to get an overview of the quality and quantity of their existing architectural stock. The depth and scope of such analysis can vary greatly, from cursory overview to detailed architectural evaluation of style, condition, history, potential for renovation, energy efficiency, etc. We have developed a powerful data mining tools that allow for detailed queries with multiple variables.


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